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  • Chun Chieh Fan

    Chun Chieh Fan

    Co-Director, PoNG Lab
    Google Scholar

    I am a bioinformatician specialized in the domain of psychiatry, neuroimaging, and genetics. My research goal is to understand how the molecular cascades through measurable neurocircuitry changes to observed psychopathologies. As an enthusiast of methods development, I strongly believe we need novel approaches to tackle the complex phenomenon of human behavior.
  • Wesley K. Thompson

    Wesley K. Thompson

    Co-Director, PoNG Lab
    Google Scholar

    I’m a statistician with almost twenty years of applied experience in psychiatry, neuroimaging, and genetics. I develop and apply Bayesian multi-level models to longitudinal trajectories of neurodevelopment and other types of hierarchical data from these fields. I’m currently the Director of Statistics for two national consortia involving longitudinal neuroimaging and genetics, the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD) and the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA). I do my best to straddle both worlds (statistical methods and applications), but my focus is always on addressing real scientific questions!